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[INFO] ARROW, THE FLASH, LEGENDS, and SUPERGIRL Mammoth Crossover Events Gets New Synopses

The DC Extended Universe may have the substantial budget to the brings the likes of Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad to the big screen, but there’s a whole lot of love that fans are witnessing on the small screen right now with DC properties — namely on the CW. The DC Arrow-verse started modestly enough with Arrow, and one man’s goal to save his corrupt city. That expanded oh-so-slowly in its second season when it introduced Barry Allen before spinning him off into his own show, The Flash. Things expanded even further when a few characters from Arrow and a few from The Flash spun off into their own time-hopping escapade, Legends of Tomorrow, and even Supergirl, a show that started off at CBS was quickly merged into this mammoth universe. With all these balls being thrown around, you knew that this year’s crossover event would be huge — and it is! Four episodes long, in fact, and it will all take place following Thanksgiving weekend. Now, we’ve received synopses for all four episodes, courtesy of the CW (via Screen Rant). The whole thing starts off on Monday, November 28 with Supergirl: "A NIGHT OF CONFESSIONS; THE EPIC SUPERHERO CROSSOVER KICKS OFF TONIGHT — Eliza (guest star Helen Slater) comes to town to celebrate Thanksgiving with her daughters. Alex (Chyler Leigh) decides it’s time to come out to her mother; Kara (Melisa Benoist) is shocked when Eliza suggests Mon-El (Chris Wood) has feelings for her, and Winn (Jeremy Jordan) and James (Mehcad Brooks) consider telling Kara the truth about the Guardian. Meanwhile, CADMUS unleashes a virus that instantly kills any alien in the vicinity so Kara enlists an unexpected ally – Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath). The epic superhero crossover kicks off tonight when Barry Allen (guest star Grant Gustin) and Cisco Ramon (guest star Carlos Valdes) seek Kara’s help with an alien invasion on their Earth." From the sound of that synopsis, we’ll likely only get the crossover kicked off at the tail end of the episode, so for all intents and purposes, that seems like a mostly-standard Supergirl show. The craziness continues on Tuesday, November 29 with The Flash: "IT’S HEROES VS. ALIENS IN THIS EPIC CROSSOVER EVENT — When aliens called the Dominators attack Central City, Barry (Grant Gustin) speeds over to Star City to ask the Green Arrow (guest star Stephen Amell) for help in stopping them. Realizing the battle against the Dominators is bigger than they thought, they track down the Legends of Tomorrow, and Barry and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) create a breach to bring back a secret weapon – Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist). Once all of the super friends are assembled, they come up with a plan to attack but a shocking secret related to Flashpoint is revealed and suddenly no one is sure who they can trust. Meanwhile, Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) wants to join the battle against the aliens but Iris (Candice Patton) tells him he’s not ready." Wow. Between all the characters in the Arrow-verse quickly coming into that episode, it’s a wonder how it’ll play out for those only watching The Flash. For Arrow’s 100th episode, airing on Wednesday, November 30, things seem to get pulled back a bit in scope, with most of the drama seeming to surround Oliver noticing Flashpoint differences.: "ARROW CELEBRATES 100 EPISODES; THE EPIC SUPERHERO CROSSOVER CONTINUES — Oliver (Stephen Amell) wakes up to a life where he never got on The Queen’s Gambit. Robert (guest star Jamey Sheridan) and Moira Queen (guest star Susanna Thompson) are alive and well. Laurel (guest star Katie Cassidy) is his loving fiancée and their wedding is imminent. Everything seems perfect, but Oliver starts to notice small imperfections that make him question this new reality. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and the recruits take on a new threat with help from The Flash (guest star Grant Gustin) and Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoit)." Finally, this four-part crossover culminates on Thursday, December 1, in the Legends of Tomorrow episode: ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL IN THIS CROSSOVER OF SUPERHEROS — After learning the Dominators’ plan for the world, the Legends must work together with The Flash (guest star Grant Gustin), Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist) and Green Arrow (guest star Stephen Amell) to kill them once and for all. Meanwhile, Stein (Victor Garber) figures out, with the help of others, how the team can terminate the Dominators, but is distracted by the aberration he realizes he created in 1987." Well, this certainly promises to be an ambitious event that is bound to both confuse, please, and perplex viewers of this season. Generally, the writers have done a pretty solid job of making sure audiences exclusively watching a single series will have enough meat in their storyline, so let’s hope that trend continues. However, as the crossovers become more intense, it’s a natural consequence of storytelling that they all become increasingly dependent on one another. - See more at: http://lrmonline.com/news/arrow-the-flash-legends-and-supergirl-mammoth-crossover-events-gets-new-synopses#sthash Read more at: https://tr.im/1hd7z
The DC Extended Universe may have the substantial budget to the brings the likes of Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad to the big screen, but there’s a whole lot of love that fans are witnessing on the small screen right now with DC properties — namely on the CW. The DC Arrow-verse started modestly enough with Arrow, and one man’s goal to save his corrupt city. That expanded oh-so-slowly in its second season when it introduced Barry Allen before spinning him off into his own show, The Flash. Things expanded even further when a few characters from Arrow and a few from The Flash spun off into their own time-hopping escapade, Legends of Tomorrow, and even Supergirl, a show that started off at CBS was quickly merged into this mammoth universe. With all these balls being thrown around, you knew that this year’s crossover event would be huge — and it is! Four episodes long, in fact, and it will all take place following Thanksgiving weekend. Now, we’ve received synopses for all four episodes, courtesy of the CW (via Screen Rant). The whole thing starts off on Monday, November 28 with Supergirl: "A NIGHT OF CONFESSIONS; THE EPIC SUPERHERO CROSSOVER KICKS OFF TONIGHT — Eliza (guest star Helen Slater) comes to town to celebrate Thanksgiving with her daughters. Alex (Chyler Leigh) decides it’s time to come out to her mother; Kara (Melisa Benoist) is shocked when Eliza suggests Mon-El (Chris Wood) has feelings for her, and Winn (Jeremy Jordan) and James (Mehcad Brooks) consider telling Kara the truth about the Guardian. Meanwhile, CADMUS unleashes a virus that instantly kills any alien in the vicinity so Kara enlists an unexpected ally – Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath). The epic superhero crossover kicks off tonight when Barry Allen (guest star Grant Gustin) and Cisco Ramon (guest star Carlos Valdes) seek Kara’s help with an alien invasion on their Earth." From the sound of that synopsis, we’ll likely only get the crossover kicked off at the tail end of the episode, so for all intents and purposes, that seems like a mostly-standard Supergirl show. The craziness continues on Tuesday, November 29 with The Flash: "IT’S HEROES VS. ALIENS IN THIS EPIC CROSSOVER EVENT — When aliens called the Dominators attack Central City, Barry (Grant Gustin) speeds over to Star City to ask the Green Arrow (guest star Stephen Amell) for help in stopping them. Realizing the battle against the Dominators is bigger than they thought, they track down the Legends of Tomorrow, and Barry and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) create a breach to bring back a secret weapon – Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist). Once all of the super friends are assembled, they come up with a plan to attack but a shocking secret related to Flashpoint is revealed and suddenly no one is sure who they can trust. Meanwhile, Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) wants to join the battle against the aliens but Iris (Candice Patton) tells him he’s not ready." Wow. Between all the characters in the Arrow-verse quickly coming into that episode, it’s a wonder how it’ll play out for those only watching The Flash. For Arrow’s 100th episode, airing on Wednesday, November 30, things seem to get pulled back a bit in scope, with most of the drama seeming to surround Oliver noticing Flashpoint differences.: "ARROW CELEBRATES 100 EPISODES; THE EPIC SUPERHERO CROSSOVER CONTINUES — Oliver (Stephen Amell) wakes up to a life where he never got on The Queen’s Gambit. Robert (guest star Jamey Sheridan) and Moira Queen (guest star Susanna Thompson) are alive and well. Laurel (guest star Katie Cassidy) is his loving fiancée and their wedding is imminent. Everything seems perfect, but Oliver starts to notice small imperfections that make him question this new reality. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and the recruits take on a new threat with help from The Flash (guest star Grant Gustin) and Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoit)." Finally, this four-part crossover culminates on Thursday, December 1, in the Legends of Tomorrow episode: ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL IN THIS CROSSOVER OF SUPERHEROS — After learning the Dominators’ plan for the world, the Legends must work together with The Flash (guest star Grant Gustin), Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist) and Green Arrow (guest star Stephen Amell) to kill them once and for all. Meanwhile, Stein (Victor Garber) figures out, with the help of others, how the team can terminate the Dominators, but is distracted by the aberration he realizes he created in 1987." Well, this certainly promises to be an ambitious event that is bound to both confuse, please, and perplex viewers of this season. Generally, the writers have done a pretty solid job of making sure audiences exclusively watching a single series will have enough meat in their storyline, so let’s hope that trend continues. However, as the crossovers become more intense, it’s a natural consequence of storytelling that they all become increasingly dependent on one another. - See more at: http://lrmonline.com/news/arrow-the-flash-legends-and-supergirl-mammoth-crossover-events-gets-new-synopses#sthash Read more at: https://tr.im/1hd7z
The DC Extended Universe may have the substantial budget to the brings the likes of Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad to the big screen, but there’s a whole lot of love that fans are witnessing on the small screen right now with DC properties — namely on the CW. The DC Arrow-verse started modestly enough with Arrow, and one man’s goal to save his corrupt city. That expanded oh-so-slowly in its second season when it introduced Barry Allen before spinning him off into his own show, The Flash.

Things expanded even further when a few characters from Arrow and a few from The Flash spun off into their own time-hopping escapade, Legends of Tomorrow, and even Supergirl, a show that started off at CBS was quickly merged into this mammoth universe.

With all these balls being thrown around, you knew that this year’s crossover event would be huge — and it is! Four episodes long, in fact, and it will all take place following Thanksgiving weekend. Now, we’ve received synopses for all four episodes, courtesy of the CW (via Screen Rant).

The whole thing starts off on Monday, November 28 with Supergirl:

"A NIGHT OF CONFESSIONS; THE EPIC SUPERHERO CROSSOVER KICKS OFF TONIGHT — Eliza (guest star Helen Slater) comes to town to celebrate Thanksgiving with her daughters. Alex (Chyler Leigh) decides it’s time to come out to her mother; Kara (Melisa Benoist) is shocked when Eliza suggests Mon-El (Chris Wood) has feelings for her, and Winn (Jeremy Jordan) and James (Mehcad Brooks) consider telling Kara the truth about the Guardian. Meanwhile, CADMUS unleashes a virus that instantly kills any alien in the vicinity so Kara enlists an unexpected ally – Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath). The epic superhero crossover kicks off tonight when Barry Allen (guest star Grant Gustin) and Cisco Ramon (guest star Carlos Valdes) seek Kara’s help with an alien invasion on their Earth."

From the sound of that synopsis, we’ll likely only get the crossover kicked off at the tail end of the episode, so for all intents and purposes, that seems like a mostly-standard Supergirl show.

The craziness continues on Tuesday, November 29 with The Flash:

"IT’S HEROES VS. ALIENS IN THIS EPIC CROSSOVER EVENT — When aliens called the Dominators attack Central City, Barry (Grant Gustin) speeds over to Star City to ask the Green Arrow (guest star Stephen Amell) for help in stopping them. Realizing the battle against the Dominators is bigger than they thought, they track down the Legends of Tomorrow, and Barry and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) create a breach to bring back a secret weapon – Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist). Once all of the super friends are assembled, they come up with a plan to attack but a shocking secret related to Flashpoint is revealed and suddenly no one is sure who they can trust. Meanwhile, Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) wants to join the battle against the aliens but Iris (Candice Patton) tells him he’s not ready."

Wow. Between all the characters in the Arrow-verse quickly coming into that episode, it’s a wonder how it’ll play out for those only watching The Flash.

For Arrow’s 100th episode, airing on Wednesday, November 30, things seem to get pulled back a bit in scope, with most of the drama seeming to surround Oliver noticing Flashpoint differences.:

"ARROW CELEBRATES 100 EPISODES; THE EPIC SUPERHERO CROSSOVER CONTINUES — Oliver (Stephen Amell) wakes up to a life where he never got on The Queen’s Gambit. Robert (guest star Jamey Sheridan) and Moira Queen (guest star Susanna Thompson) are alive and well. Laurel (guest star Katie Cassidy) is his loving fiancée and their wedding is imminent. Everything seems perfect, but Oliver starts to notice small imperfections that make him question this new reality. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and the recruits take on a new threat with help from The Flash (guest star Grant Gustin) and Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoit)."

Finally, this four-part crossover culminates on Thursday, December 1, in the Legends of Tomorrow episode:

ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL IN THIS CROSSOVER OF SUPERHEROS — After learning the Dominators’ plan for the world, the Legends must work together with The Flash (guest star Grant Gustin), Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist) and Green Arrow (guest star Stephen Amell) to kill them once and for all. Meanwhile, Stein (Victor Garber) figures out, with the help of others, how the team can terminate the Dominators, but is distracted by the aberration he realizes he created in 1987."

Well, this certainly promises to be an ambitious event that is bound to both confuse, please, and perplex viewers of this season. Generally, the writers have done a pretty solid job of making sure audiences exclusively watching a single series will have enough meat in their storyline, so let’s hope that trend continues. However, as the crossovers become more intense, it’s a natural consequence of storytelling that they all become increasingly dependent on one another. What do you think of these synopses? Do they get you excited for this crossover event?

SOURCE: The CW (via Screen Rant)

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